As IHRCI provides prep materials for the exams administered by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI), we are increasing the global recognition of the certified human resource (HR) credentials by promoting the HR profession and growing the number of certified HR professionals and members worldwide.


HRCI issues the Associate Professional in Human Resources - International (aPHRi), Professional in Human Resources - International (PHRi)Senior Professional in Human Resources - International (SPHRi), and Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) examinations to measure the examinations to measure the HR body of knowledge for HR professionals outside of the United States. Any HR professionals desiring to increase his or her professional identity, competency level, and career opportunities should prepare for and pass the exams.


Our program has been helping candidates pass the HRCI certifications exam for several years. Our editorial board and instructors have seen and been involved with numerous changes to the exam and to the HR profession. We are confident that our superior materials that utilize our system will help you PASS the first time.


Please view our study package details and order: 




Moreover, we provide products for instructors or training vendors to facilitate the learning process as below. Please contact us at [email protected].


  • Digital study workbook with PDF format for instructor and students to have insights into the concepts and knowledge required by the HRCI’s credentials.
  • Multiple-choices test bank for students to take, score, and review the tests and explanations online.
  • Volume discounts for group adopter (orders of 9 or more) to reduced price for each learning package.
  • PowerPoint presentations with notes for instructor to teach students in classroom (Please see our Instructor Materials).
  • The iHRCI Exams Coach GPT helps you prepare for HRCI certification exams by providing practice questions, study tips, and personalized support.

Note: The aPHRi, PHRi, SPHRi, and GPHR registered trademarks are owned by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI).